Thursday, March 28, 2019

Understanding How SEO Works Tips

Understanding How SEO Works Tips 0 comments Understanding how SEO works is important to every business. marketing gif As a marketer, whether you specialize in SEO or not, you’re going to use it one way or another. I can say it is a lot to learn and you have to do it. Learning and applying it to help your website, blog and or store gain content rank. It’s a tricky thing, SEO. One day you can use long tail keywords to drive traffic, the next you receive large spikes of traffic without even knowing what caused it. Then you try and figure it out. You definitely need to get an understanding of the basics. It can feel a bit bewildering trying to establish all the potential factors in play and see how it works. Shopify has a great YouTube that explains SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization and it's a measurable, repeatable process that is used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth showing in Google's index. In this video Helen M. Overland from Search Engine People examines SEO basics and what it means for your business. E-commerce SEO 101: What is SEO? Video Transcript So what is SEO? SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and there is nothing really mystical about it. You might have heard a lot about SEO and how it works, but basically what it is is a measurable, repeatable process that is used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth showing in Google’s index. Basically, Google uses a complex mathematical formula called an algorithm to give a score to every website and every search people to do in Google to figure out which website should rank best for what people are looking for. Think of the algorithm like a collection of empty buckets. One bucket gives you a score for the quality of your site, one bucket gives you a score for how many sites link to you, one bucket gives you a score for how people trust you. Your job is to fill up more buckets in the algorithm than any other website. You can affect your search engine ranking by having the highest score in terms of quality of your site, of having the highest score in terms of the authority of your website, of having the highest score in terms of the most trusted store for that search that people are looking for. The good thing is that there are hundreds of buckets, and for every single one of these buckets these scores put together in the algorithm to figure out where you rank is an opportunity for you to fill it up and rank better. So optimizing your site for search results really means getting the highest score in as many of these points as you can. Now, some buckets are worth more than others, and the three main buckets that you need to be aware of for search rankings are quality, trust, and authority. So quality: what Google is trying to measure when they’re trying to figure out what sites should rank is offering something valuable or unique or interesting to googles searchers. For example good content - if you are selling t-shirts and you are using the same description that every other t-shirt seller is using on their website then you are not offering anything unique to Google’s searchers. Even though your t-shirts might look pretty cool, the content is the same as everybody else’s, so Google has no way of telling that your t-shirts or your t-shirt site is better than anybody else’s. Instead, offer people interesting content. For example: offer them the ability to personalize their t-shirt. Give them information on how to wash it. What’s the thread count? Is it stain resistant? Is this something you should wear in the summer or is it heavier for winter? Give people information, or even be more creative. Get people to share pictures of themselves wearing the t-shirt. Create a community of people who are interested in your product. Get a famous person to wear it and share that picture online. Do something different, do something unique. Show Google that Become a supporter of this podcast: This podcast is sponsored by The Black Tux

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