Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Kidney Stones Lithotripsy And What To Expect

Your body gives these signs when your kidneys are in danger.

Changing of Your Urinary Function

Difficulty or Pain While Urinating

Blood in the Urine  

Foamy Urine

Swelling or Oedema

Extreme Fatigue

Dizziness and Inability to Concentrate

Feeling Constantly Cold

Skin Rashes and Itching

Ammonia Breath and Metallic

Nausea and Vomiting

Shortness of Breath

For those who have suffered, are suffering or know someone suffering from liver disease know that it is a silent killer. What makes it even more dangerous is that it gets diagnosed at very late stages for most people. Not many individuals are educated enough to know that the symptoms of kidney disease are not silent, but are redundant enough to not care.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the symptoms may not even become present until the condition is critical. So this makes knowing and recognizing the symptoms that much more crucial.

Lithotripsy Treatment

It may sound harsh- but many people are choosing to blast or obliterate their kidney stones rather than undergo surgery. Using a tried and true method of directing shock waves.

“The shock wave treatment is called ESWL. A long name- extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy – we usually just call it lithotripsy,” says Dr. James Borden, urologist on Lee Memorial Health System’s medical staff.

It is shocking, but patients aren’t exposed to electricity. It’s a machine-generated energy wave that passes through the skin without hurting it.

“We focus the energy to a very concentrated point. We know where that point is. We put the patient in position on an x-ray table over where that high energy is. And that energy travels from the outside, it doesn’t hurt your skin, it travels to that point where the stone is and it breaks the stone into smaller crystals that can then pass,” says Dr….Read More

from Keywebco

Your body gives these signs when your kidneys are in danger.

Changing of Your Urinary Function

Difficulty or Pain While Urinating

Blood in the Urine  

Foamy Urine

Swelling or Oedema

Extreme Fatigue

Dizziness and Inability to Concentrate

Feeling Constantly Cold

Skin Rashes and Itching

Ammonia Breath and Metallic

Nausea and Vomiting

Shortness of Breath

For those who have suffered, are suffering or know someone suffering from liver disease know that it is a silent killer. What makes it even more dangerous is that it gets diagnosed at very late stages for most people. Not many individuals are educated enough to know that the symptoms of kidney disease are not silent, but are redundant enough to not care.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the symptoms may not even become present until the condition is critical. So this makes knowing and recognizing the symptoms that much more crucial.

Lithotripsy Treatment

It may sound harsh- but many people are choosing to blast or obliterate their kidney stones rather than undergo surgery. Using a tried and true method of directing shock waves.

“The shock wave treatment is called ESWL. A long name- extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy – we usually just call it lithotripsy,” says Dr. James Borden, urologist on Lee Memorial Health System’s medical staff.

It is shocking, but patients aren’t exposed to electricity. It’s a machine-generated energy wave that passes through the skin without hurting it.

“We focus the energy to a very concentrated point. We know where that point is. We put the patient in position on an x-ray table over where that high energy is. And that energy travels from the outside, it doesn’t hurt your skin, it travels to that point where the stone is and it breaks the stone into smaller crystals that can then pass,” says Dr….Read More

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